Wednesday, June 17, 2015



Hai lama tak jumpa. sihat tak semuanya. *sapu sampah, lap sawang, bakar blog* K yang bakar blog tu tipu je.

I met an old friend few days before. lamalah tak jumpanya. almost 3, 4 years macam tu? we shared some stories, well actually he did. and I am amazed at how easy he can pour all the words to me. As if he has this one fine trust wall for me. I mean macam mana dia boleh yakin I wouldnt blog about it? hahaha I wont. dont worry.

And I tried to do the same, tapi rasa macam cerita tu tak berapa sampai pada dia. lololol. still bad at telling people my problems I guess. But not much things changed since last I saw him.

I am glad we can still talk about many things, from the stupid one sampailah yang paling serius sampai on my way back home, I cant help but think "OMG tuanya aku sekarang, cant believe we talked about that. 3 years back aku tak tahu pun apa semua tu. god god god. Tuanya aku" insecure women detected. hahaha

yes. I had fun. dont know about him but I did.

oh haah, hari ini birthday adik bongsu. dan esok puasa.

Salam Ramadhan. kenmain simple update kali ni.

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