Thursday, April 18, 2013


biasalah. kalau lelaki setakat gurau macam tu dia tak kesah punya. biasalah, bukannya apa-apa pun. biasalah benda tu semua. biasalah.

tapi masalahnya cuma satu. aku bukan lelaki.
jadi aku tak biasa.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


kadang-kadang. ada benda kau memang tak boleh ubah. tapi kena terima. terima. dan terima.

kalau tak mahu.

pergi lari




Tuesday, April 16, 2013

week 8

doktor akma senyap membisu je ni. apa progress fyp gua pun tak tahu. sakit kepala. mungkin sebab hari ni terik sangat cuacanya. berperang mata aku masa bawak motor tadi. tak terdaya nak bukak.

nak tengok runningman pun tak seronok bila sakit kepala macam ni. sudahlah.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

9 tahun (bukan umur engkau atie, jangan perasan.)

sembilan  tahun woi. moga ada sepuluh sebelas dua belas dan seterusnya.

12th April 2013.

Happy birthday Izzati Idris :)

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

handsome channing tatum is always handsome

Just another random thoughts that I have in my mind right now. I guess its just our habit as human. you dont usually appreciate things or even worse, person that have always been there for you. not a slightest you ever thought of whatever he/she have done for you. why? thousands of reason. you're too busy wanted to be noticed by someone who doesn't even care, you only think about yourself (oh well guess what, NOT everything in this world is about you!) and maybe you're just some ass who were born in the shape of a human. you choose.  you, will only realize how good that person was when he/she is gone. how ironic life is. 

watched GI joe with alang just now. I thought it was not bad. except for the fact that channing tatum dies too early in that movie. I kinda hope he would magically survived but he didn't. ya wutevurrr.

Monday, April 8, 2013

big brother is now officially married.

abang dan mama

semoga jadi manusia lepas kahwin ni bro. 
jaga anak
jaga bini baik-baik
berhenti menyusahkan semorang. natang.

aku yang tengah cuba ikhlas. 

Thursday, April 4, 2013