Wednesday, July 3, 2013

10 things im telling 16 year old me

hello 16 y.o Aina,

this year is going to be super hard for you. but as the oldest daughter, you should be strong. I know you will.

1- there would be friends that would back-stabbed you but nevermind them. they're not gonna make it to your future
2- Atie is going to be your friend until ur 24 and hopefully forever. and her dad would apparently like you too. later on. so just chill ok
3. when you got into college, you will find one of you real friend ever. be nice to her
4. you will lose weight. and you wont be overweight anymore. not that you care huh?
5. your baby girls are going to grow up just fine. don't worry about them
6. You'll have your bachelor degree when you 24. hey be proud okay
7. the world doesn't end on 2012. I am in 2013 now
8. things may change between you and your brother but remember, he is still your brother
9. be nice to you grandparents when they're still around. Opah will go to heaven pretty soon. so does Atok. love them endlessly though
10. you don't like cats do you? you will later on. trust me. you'll go crazy over them


24 y.o unemployed Aina.


Saiful Amani said...

lose weight..?

AAINA said...

haha yapp. I was bigger when I was in form 4. hell a lot bigger than I am now :p