yesterday when I picked up my baby sis from work. she told me something. (she is now working in a shoe shop in Semenyih while waiting for her SPM result)
And she told me about one guy who came in searching for black shoes. He looked terribly poor. His pants is shorter than he is. He wears oversize shirt. As if those pants and shirts are not his. maybe he received it from someone else. who knows.
thing is. he is trying so hard to find a pair of black shoes for the cheapest price. but his feet is quite big. size 44. and there are no shoes for his size that are cheap.
my Sis told me on how she tried so hard to find something that would fits him and she rummaged the store and suddenly felt so mad because there was no shoes that fits his size! kalau ada pun yang mahal je.
At last she managed to find a black rubber shoes but one size smaller which is size 43. that guy puts that on and Alhamdulillah it fits! my sis told him repeatedly that don't buy that shoes if its too tight. but the guy says its okay. and then he looked at the price ''RM15.90"
He asked for a discount which my Sis said yes. the last price she gave him was rm13. That guy thanked her repeatedly. his face shines.
at the counter. after doing a lot of thinking ( I guess). My sis told that guy,
"takpalah, awak bayar RM10 je''
which he replied
"takpe ke ni kak, nanti you kena marah macam mana?"
"takpe. bayar rm10 je. saya boss kat sini hehe"
she tried to make a joke when the truth is she wanted to cry so bad.
His face is filled with emotions. My sis was holding back tears. He is too. After he paid for the shoes, my sis told him the last words
"kalau tak muat kasut tu, you datang je tau. saya kerja hari-hari. datang tukar yang lain ya!"
which he replied with
"terima kasih kak, terima kasih kak, terima kasih kak"
he wiped his tears as he walked out from the shop. My sister's eyes is filled with tears too. tears of humanity I guess.
my Sis told me that she would have paid for that shoes for him but she didn't bring her wallet to work and she felt disappointed with herself. but I am so proud of her.
I am not telling this because I want to brag about my sister being kind, I mean I think everyone would do the same right? but just as a reminder that there are others who fights to live their lives everyday. Be very thankful for what you have. For Allah might take it from you someday.
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