Sunday, November 18, 2012

Something wrong somewhere

I am so tired today. but then again, Im tired everyday. mentally exhausted to be exact. so who still gives a fuck about me please raise your middle finger. okay I see none. anyways, 

I am so lost now, and I don't think I know myself anymore. its like Im having some sort of split personalities problems. at times, I am so freaking happy. just because a stranger gave me a smile and two second after that. I would cry seeing lost kitten crossing the road. did I give you clear example? if not, remind yourself that I don't care.

and who am I actually? no certain answer for sure. I've been through worse.maybe because I've been happy for too long that I forget how sucks it is to feel sad. 

I hate to show people the other side of me. I have so many sides. So many hidden sides. Now you know why I'm a little big than other girls? yes you're right. that is just lame excuses. who cares anyway

I am already on the ground, and I thought if I ever slipped down again, it wouldnt hurt this much. but It still fucking do. I think its because I'm fat. and here I go again talking about me being fat. 

my brain is not functioning so well these few days. I wonder why. 

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