Assalamualaikum. I have wrote about her before. my kakak from virtual world. yeps. might sound pelik to you but yes. we have never really lepak in real life. we always chatted through social media ; facebook, twideer (oh those times) and now Instagram.
And I have promised to come and meet her baby since past ten thousand years. tapi ada je benda nye yang buat tak jadi. so yesterday, she texted me and in the evening. wallahhh, she's in front of my office.
you dont have any idea how unreal I feel. Its like, mehh, I dont even remember her voice. (kecik je rupanya suara omeyy angat). anddd Zahra is like my bff because we just click. you would have been jealous, seriously.
I am so happy because at laaaaast we finally met. harapnya lepas ni selalu lah kita lepak sesama lagi. I need to teach Zahra how to annoyed you. cool aunty is cool.
okay, izinkan saya mereput di tepi meja kerana dateline. sempat je kau update blog. boss ingat kita gigih ketuk story. kahkahkah *lap peluh*
this post deserves a picture. my picture. separuh sebab nampak kurus sikit. hiks