Friday, March 28, 2014


In the end, everything will be okay. If its not okay, then it is not the end.

        Bodoh. Mungkin itu kata-kata semua orang (dalam hati mahupun belakang aku) bila mereka tahu aku sedang bodoh menunggu. Bukan sebulan dua. Makan tahun. Setiap hari aku makan hati. Hati lembu, hati ayam, hati nyamuk pun kalau boleh makan aku telan. paling sakit bila aku kunyah hati sendiri. setiap hari. tapi tak mampu telan jadi aku luah semula.
        Penantian satu penyiksaan. siapa tak percaya mari jumpa aku. mari aku beritahu sakitnya setiap detik memandang orang yang kau paling ingin dalam dunia tapi tak ada kuasa nak ikat dia. Well, kalau boleh mungkin aku dah tambat dia depan rumah aku dan tatap hari-hari. okay. aku gila.
        Tapi sekarang aku dah tak menunggu lagi. Mungkin Tuhan pun tahu takat mana sahaja kuat hati aku. jadi dia beri jalan penyelesaian buat aku. dan orang yang aku tunggu.


*       *        *         *         *         *        *         * 


    Actually its a short story I promised that I would write on behalf of kak ain and yeop. I have known these two people for quite sometimes and I enjoyed listening to their love story. One in a million. Beautifully written by The Creator. 

   Kak Ain is definitely the right girl for Yeop and Yeop is what Kak Ain forever longed for. Haha! But these two lovebirds are crazy I tell you (thats why they deserves each other. lol) 

   I didn't got the chance to attend their wedding but my prayers are always with them. May Allah bless these two beautiful person and may their marriage brings thousands of barakah.

to Kak Ain and Yeop.

    I wish you all of the happiness in the world. Please please please stay as crazy as you guys always have. May this marriage be your happily-ever-after. InshaAllah. 

with love,
Aina Mickey 

Monday, March 24, 2014



"Tidaklah seorang muslim menderita sakit kerana suatu penyakit melainkan Allah menggugurkan kesalahan-kesalahannya dengan penyakit itu, sebagaimana pohon yang menggugurkan daun-daunnya". (HR Bukhari, Muslim)

ceritanya. Aku demam dah minggu lepas. MC 2 hari. dan semalam aku demam lagi versi kedua. kali ini lebih sakit sebab aku demam masa dateline. banyak lagi story belum hantar. Ya Allah, mudahkanlah segalanya.

Monday, March 17, 2014

When Love Arrives


And turns out, Love SHITs. And Love Cries

Love is not who you were expecting, love is not what you can predict 

" Maybe Love is not ready for you. Maybe You are not ready for love" 

Love arrives exactly when love supposed to. and Love leaves when Love must. 
'Thank you, for stopping by'

Friday, March 14, 2014



I am suprised that Cikkay still actually remember about my other blog existence. Oh those time when I update about almost everything. looking back I feel like throwing bricks to my own face. hahaha but she said that it was all part of the life experience that (might) have taught us something. a-huh she surely got her point there. 

So whats new? Nothing much. Stop talking to few people in my life. Well, idk if it is 100% my fault or what. But I guess you have to stand for whats right. No matter how hard for others to brain it. Not regretting it. NO intention to find new enemy (ies) but I guess you can't expect everybody to like you. You don't even like everybody.

Other than that, I am content. Some happiness. Some stress. Some tears. Some Friends. Some come and some sadly go. Must be a solid reason behind everything. have faith in Allah swt because He surely knows whats best. Insha-Allah. 

Salam Jumaat. Keep on praying for MH370. May Allah ease everything.

Monday, March 10, 2014



No words could actually describe how I felt about the missing of MH370 Aircraft. There were hundreds of people boarding that plane. And this tragedy happened on one of my younger sibling's birthday. 8th March 2014.

How would you feel if you were left waiting for your family members who are yet to arrive. Who are yet to be found alive. Who's fate is still unknown.

every breath you take. You'll feel some sort of rope twisting around your neck. The breathing gets harder when someone says "hey, they found the aircraft floating! hey, the aircraft explodes in the air.."  Would you even care to understand? because I have seen some of that ungrateful bastards who kept on mocking the situation. Its you whom I hope to be found dead in the middle of nowhere. So sad to know such people still exist in this millennium era.

My heart goes out for all the affected family members of every passenger and crew of the aircraft. May Allah ease everything. Innalillahiwainnailaihirajiun.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

keroncong untuk Ana


Harini aku nak bercerita. cerita tentang seorang daripada entah berapa ratus kawan yang aku ada. kawan yang tak adalah rapat mana. kawan yang orang kata..'biasa-biasa' sahaja.

yang aku perasan,

dia hanya bercakap apa yang perlu. dan setiap kata yang keluar daripada mulut dia tu bunyinya sungguh ikhlas dan jujur. dan dia juga sangat random orangnya. sebagai contoh, pernah satu hari (yang mana masa itu aku memang sangat stress dan berkemungkinan membunuh sesiapa sahaja yang lalu di depan aku) dia lalu dan berhenti di meja aku

"Aina, can I ask you something, Why do you look so sad?"
Yes. selalunya dia memang speaking London sama aku. dengan orang lain elok pulak dia cakap bahasa Melayu. 

tepat pada waktu. atau salah waktu. entah. aku pun taktahu. aku nafikanlah tuduhan dia of course. sebab aku tak tunjuk pun cuma aku kurang bercakap. jadi aku tanya. kenapa dia cakap macam tu?

" Because I dreamt of you. And you looked so sad but I didn't got the chance to ask why. in that dream"
terus aku rasa budak ni bela hantu. Haha I kid I kid. yes. serandom itulah dirinya. dan dia ada banyak ciri-ciri muslimah yang aku suka. berilmu tapi tak berlagak dengan ilmu. sangat sederhana. cara bercakapnya. cara ketawa. cara makan. cara berbelanja. Tak memandang dan tak dipandang. sempoi.

Aku selalu perhatikan dia. Lepas Imam habis baca doa untuk solat jemaah. lepas habis semua bersalam. dia akan duduk balik atas sejadah. Lama. Diam. dan menangis. pernah juga aku tanya kenapa nangis ni ada masalah apa-apa ke?

jawapannya mudah. "Saya memang Emo kalau berdoa ni Aina, biasalah, orang banyak dosa"

PANGGGG *efek pelempang guna kaki di muka* yang kita ni panas bontot. sekejap sahaja berdoa. itu pun dalam kepala siap siap susun apa nak buat lepas solat.

Allah. hinanya aku.

Semoga Allah swt masih punya cinta dan kasih untuk bantu aku dan kau (sesiapa yang mungkin terbaca) mencari jalan menuju redhaNya. InshaAllah.