last 23rd of Nov was Kak Farra's wedding. I attend it of course. She is like my sister why wouldn't I come right. Its not like she threatened to hit me with a rocks or whatnot. No. Did you get the message? hahahah
but I am really grateful I made it to the wedding. because that week is a very very very busy week sampai nak beli hadiah wedding dia pun takda masa. isk
I've been meaning to write about the wedding but I am busy catching up with the dateline. and dateline dah habisss yayersssss
aannnddd I wanted to share some of the pictures taken there but it is in my laptop and I am here in ze office. I did help her with the photobooth! I was really afraid what would be the final product because I haven't done this before and Alhamdulillah it turned out nicely. (except for the part the vase pecah berderai because of the wind -.-)
I didn't get the chance to really chat with her that day because yalah you know how busy bride and groom is. so here's one for you Kak Farra
I am wishing you all the happiness in the world. and if you are sad, may that sadness makes you stronger. I know he would take a good care of you because if he didn't', I'll smack his face with bricks. tons of bricks. hahahah. Semoga dikurniakan zuriat yang ramai dan sihat bambam semuanya. hadiah kahwin bagi baju baby aci dakk? ekekeke
Aina Mickeyyours truly,